7 Causes of High Latency on Servers

There are many metrics to measure the performance of a server or a data center, one of them is by measuring latency. From the article “Understanding Latency and Its Significant Impact“, we know that latency refers to how long it takes for data on a server to reach the user, measured in units of time.
Lower latency means better performance, as the server can send data quickly. However, high latency can be caused by many factors, not just server performance alone.
This time, we will take you deeper into understanding the reason behind high latency in servers and networks.
Causes of High Latency on Servers
When discussing the causes of high latency, there are at least four factors that affect latency: distance, data size, software, and hardware used. Here are further details on what causes high latency on both servers and networks:
1. DNS Error
When a Domain Name System or Web Server experiences disruptions, it can make accessing data on the server difficult, so it causes high latency. One example of disruptions on a web server is encountering errors with the code “error 500”.
2. Network Issues
The occurrence of network problems that deliver data from the server to the end user can also be the cause of high latency on the server. Certain network devices, such as switches or routers, may suddenly cause latency to rise if the CPU is overloaded or runs out of memory, making data transfer less optimal.
3. Issues with Transmission Media
Let’s make an analogy, Transmission Media is like a road for data to reach its destination. The purpose of Transmission Media is to connect the sender and receiver so they can exchange data by converting the data into a manipulated code.
If the transmission media is not compatible with the hardware or software being used, it can also cause high latency.
4. Too Many Routers
Routers have a function as a connector, but having too many routers can slow down the network which leads to high latency, especially when data moves from one router to another.
5. Extreme Weather
When you send data on a clear day, the process is likely to run smoothly. However, it’s a different story during heavy rainfall, the network signal becomes slow as a result of high latency. This happens because the networks collide, the signal is not strong enough to transfer data and it leads to high latency.
6. User Device Issues
Beside network or server performance problems, high latency can also be caused by user’s devices. It could be due to limited memory or RAM (Random Access Memory) or a high CPU (Central Processing Unit) usage on the device.
If the user has a poor device, slow internet connection and doesn’t have enough bandwidth, the latency will increase even more.
7. Configuration Error
If the internet network or server is not configured properly and effectively, this can cause higher latency. Ideally, a network or server should be configured to ensure smooth data delivery. Having too many points of presence or hops can hinder the data transmission process.
These are the 7 common causes of high latency in networks and servers that disrupt smooth data delivery. In conclusion, high latency is not solely caused by servers, it can also be due to data size, user devices, and weather conditions.
Discover low-latency colocation solutions for your IT devices in your business. EDGE DC is one of the leading data center providers located in the heart of Jakarta, offering interconnectivity solutions and ensuring low latency performance for your servers. Find out what makes EDGE DC different through contact information below.